A patient came in to see Dr. Kime Whitman at Leesburg Family and Cosmetic Dentistry and begin the process of a smile makeover.
Although his permanent canines were present, the patient had two baby canine teeth that never fell out. He was also congenitally missing two of his adult lateral incisors. As a result, the permanent canines had grown into the position where his lateral incisors should have been — on either side of the two front teeth.
The patient also had spacing and flaring of some of his teeth that he wanted to be straighter and more symmetrical. He wanted to have the retained baby teeth removed and dental implants placed to have full dentition. He also opted for a professional whitening as he wanted a bright, straight smile.
To begin the process, Dr. Kime Whitman extracted the patient’s two baby teeth. She then worked with an orthodontist to design a treatment plan for the patient that would correct the spacing and flaring issues and create space for the two dental implants to replace his missing lateral incisors. The orthodontist moved the teeth into proper alignment and left the planned amount of space for Dr. Kime Whitman to place two implants.
Once the teeth were straightened and the implants healed and ready for crowns, Dr. Kime Whitman n did GLO professional teeth whitening for the patient. Then, she had his permanent crowns made to match his newly whitened teeth. The orthodontist also made retainers for the patient to ensure the teeth stay aligned and don’t shift over time.
The patient was extremely happy with the final result of his smile makeover. It was exactly what he wanted, and he was initially in disbelief that his teeth looked natural. He was so excited to show his mom and was smiling from ear to ear when he left the office!